Sea Kayaking Personal


Date: 27/08/13
Area: Pelours Sound
Sea conditions: Calm
Participants: Alice and me
Duration of activity: 1 hour
Incidents/Injuries: None
We arrived in the sounds that day so only paddled around 5 km from Elaine Bay. Got to see some Dolphins.

Date: 28/08/13
Area: Pelours Sound
Sea conditions: NW head wind moderate winds. Small swell.
Participants: Alice and me
Duration of activity: 5 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
There was a NW wind which gave us a head wind for most of the paddle and had small choppy waves. We hugged the coast to try and keep out of the wind.
Date: 29/08/13
Area: Pelours Sound
Sea conditions: 30 knot winds rough seas. Willy whores
Participants: Alice and me
Duration of activity:
Incidents/Injuries: None
Decided not to go out today as it was forecast for 40 knot winds and was around 30. There were willy whores on the water and the sea was rough.

Date: 30/08/13
Area: Pelours Sound
Sea conditions: Strong head winds with Willy whores. Small swell.
Participants: Alice and me
Duration of activity: 5 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Paddled today as the conditions were easing. We paddled quite cautiously as there were still willy whores. Got hit by one but just bent down in our boats and braced into them and it was ok but paddled faster to get across the bay. We waited a bit at lunch for conditions to ease a bit more an once we got across to the bird sanctuary island we had a strong tail wind.

Date: 31/08/13
Area: Pelorus Sound
Sea conditions: Strong winds with small swells.
Participants: Alice and me
Duration of activity: 3 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Paddled back to Elaine Bay in mild conditions.

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