Sea Kayaking TTP


Date: 21/05/13
Area: Kiwi Corner
Sea conditions: N/A
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 1.5 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
We practiced rolling, deep water rescues, paddle float and paddling into current for D'Urville Training.

Date: 22/05/13
Area: Rapahoe Beach
Sea conditions: Messy small swell
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 1.5 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
We practiced surf kayaking and turning in the surf. I was a bit nervous but got better towards the end of the session.

Date: 23/5/13
Area: Cobden Beach
Sea conditions: 1-2m swell. Nice clean waves
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 2 hours
Incidents/Injuries: Mutliple swims
The surf was perfect so we went out. There were a couple of early on swims by Lenny and Alice but they were cleaned up. I was a timid first with getting on the waves but grew more confidence as the session went on. Just as I was about to get out at the end of the session, Lenny swam so I went to help him. As I was about to clip on to tow his boat a wave dumped on me and I got endo and ended up swimming. It was quite difficult trying to swim back into shore but I got in eventually.

Date: 18/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: Calm
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 6 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
French Pass to Garden bay 30km. Fine weather and we were paddling at quite a fast speed around 3-4 knots.

Date: 19/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: 1-2 metre rolling swells in the afternoon
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 6 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Garden Bay to Camp bay in Port Hardy 25km. Did Stephens passage today which went perfectly. Before crossing we watched and waited a bit to check what the waves were doing but saw that it was ok so went for it. We had big rolling swell that was up to 2m.

Date: 20/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: Forcast for gale force winds and seven metre swells
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 3 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Camp Bay to Swamp Bay 10km. We had a forecast for gale force winds around 50 knots so went further into Port Hardy for shelter. Conditions however were easy to moderate. Good fishing

Date: 21/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: Really rough seas around 2 metres with steep waves and a 18knot head wind.
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 4 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Swamp Bay to Billhook bay. Seas were rough as we attempted Stephens Passage and we had to turn back as there was also strong winds coming from the South West that were around 18 knots. Big steep waves with a lot of white caps. Was nervous for a while as if waves had gotten bigger or steeper that would have been breaking. Tried again later that day when conditions had calm considerably and crossing was fine. Got to practice going against current and using eddies.

Date: 22/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: Mild sea. Light rain
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 6 hours
Incidents/Injuries: None
Billhook bay to Lucky Bay 30km. A bit of rain but the sea was mild. Decided not to do the French Pass crossing as it was just about dark when we reached it and we wanted to spend our last night on D'Urville.

Date: 23/6/13
Area: D'Urville Island
Sea conditions: Calm
Participants: DOIG Sea kayak with Taz
Duration of activity: 1 hour
Incidents/Injuries: None

Sunrise paddle across to French Pass.


Trip location: Abel tasman; from Stephens bay to Whariwharangi bay and back again
Group members: Rhys, Jono, Rebecca, Watson, Conor, Tim, Jeremy, Hugo, Logan, Dan, Taz and Zak
Duration of activity: 6 days
Weather conditions: Sun- fine then raining NW. Mon- Fine NW. Tues-Fine NW. Wed- Fine SE. Thurs- fine SE. Fri- Fine
Incidents/injuries: None
Learning points: All things sea kayak
Narration: It was an early start on Saturday morning at the shed. We loaded up and went over boats and maintance before heading out. When we arrived in Mot we picked up Taz then headed to the campsite where we talked about what would happen for the week and what we wanted to get out of it.
The next day was another early start so we could get onto the water at a good time. At the beach we struggled to pack out boats for the first time and after that mission we talked about paddle strokes. Onto the water we went and stopped at fishermans Islands for some rolling, rescues and lunch. 

Rainbow rolling and rescue session

We then jumped back on the water and somehow I managed to become leader which was not fun in strong head winds and big swells, especially when your group is splitting apart. However we managed to get the campsite in mosquito bay just after dark and all in one piece.

Monday looked like it was going to be rainy but it cleared up just before we put on the water as we were playing American football (out team won). A strong NW wind was blowing which made getting from Brereton Bay to Awaroa bay a real mission with the feeling that you weren't actually moving as you battled the strong headwinds. We stopped on the east side of Awaroa bay for lunch where the double was almost taken out when Jeremy's boat which they were towing caught a rouge wave. From there we paddled to Waiharakeke Bay where we had to do a surf landing to get to our camp for the night. My landing was going well till I broached and a dumping wave hit me. Luckily whitewater kayak had got it into my brain to tuck like fuck when rolling so no injuries. Dan also got tipped but he was fine as well. Most people got in without incident apart from a couple who almost got rolled but somehow managed to save themselves with a brace or with luck.

Brown claw

It was another fine day on Tuesday and we stopped for lunch at Mutton bay to practice rolling and strokes. This however did not go well for me as I just couldn't get my roll and was thankful when we carried on pass alot of seals chilling on the rocks to our campsite at Whariwharangi Bay.Getting to the campsite from the beach required a long walk which was just what we need from having our legs cramped up all day. That night Tim attempted to make self saucing chocolate pudding which didn't turn out as well as hoped...

Serious faces

Good times
Back to serious

Sunset finish

Poggies... "Don't tell Zak"
Wednesday was the day that we turned back to go the way we came from. The wind decided this would be a good time to change direction so we still paddled into a headwind. We had a go at towing as we paddled to see what it was like. Tonga Bay was our camp for the night and where we had some mussels to go with tea and a possum that Zak killed with a piece of drift wood.

Up close at shag harbour

Thursday was the day of assessments and from Boundary Bay to Pitt head we did strokes. This part of the assessment went well for me and I managed to pass it. However when we stopped at Te Puketea for lunch, my rolling did not go so well. I passed the rescues but only got one roll which again I was not happy about... at all as everyone could tell by my splashing around in the water. We then carried onto Apple Tree Bay where we camped for the night. Most of which was spent peaking about how close the water came to our tents.
Quick toilet break

I passed the rescues but only got one roll which again I was not happy about... at all as everyone could tell by my splashing around in the water. We then carried onto Apple Tree Bay where we camped for the night. Most of which was spent peaking about how close the water came to our tents.

Watson being Watson

A 4:30 wake up on Friday lead to us being on the water at 6 for a sunrise paddle. It was a pretty chilled paddle back to Stephens Bay where we packed up and headed home with a quick stop in Mot for a Mac'ers breakfast of hotcakes.

Sunrise paddle

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